ZIMO system update

Software update for MX10, MX10EC, MX32, MX32FU, MX33, MX33FU

Each of these system products (base units, controllers) has a USB socket for software updates (and for loading other data).
A USB stick containing a container file with the new software versions for several products (such as MX10, MX32, MX33) is plugged into this socket.
This container file also contains data files for symbols, images, texts or fonts.

The release of new software for 1 device (e.g. MX33) can, but does not necessarily have to mean new software for another (e.g. MX10). A new container file may therefore also contain older, still current software versions.
New software files of a container file are highlighted in the download area below. For example MX33

Der Update-Verlauf

The USB stick with the container file for the updates is inserted into EACH device in turn in order to carry out the updates - i.e. into the MX10 command station and all controllers, provided there are changes for the respective devices.

After inserting the USB stick, a list for selecting the desired activity is displayed.
This is done using the rotary knob (on the MX10) or the scroll wheel (MX32/MX33). The following item is usually executed:
"MX10 Update all" or "Automatic MX32 Update" or "Automatic MX33 Update",
Start the process by pressing the rotary knob (MX10) or the A button (MX32/MX33).

During the update process (which only takes a few seconds on the MX10, but may take several minutes on the MX32 and MX33 due to the graphics and photos to be loaded), the USB stick or power supply must of course never be removed.
At the end, you will be prompted to "Remove USB stick".
The device restarts automatically and is ready for operation again after the following start-up.

RECOMMENDATION: After updating the MX10, a cold start should be carried out, i.e. disconnection from the power supply for approx. 1/2 minute to ensure that internal capacitors are completely discharged.

Preparing the USB stick

  • Format the original ZIMO stick or commercially available USB stick with FAT32 (!)
    (new ones often have ExFAT)
  • Download container file (zip format) from this page
  • Unzip the zip file and save it to the USB stick
Notes on updates of older software and/or devices
RECOMMENDATION for MX32-CONTROLLER with SW version before 1.26.0001:

Before the update, back up the data, especially the Loco DB (object database) and, depending on its existence and importance, the other databases too.
Instructions below in the respective update info or see MX32 operating instructions.
Updates after SW version 1.26.0001 save automatically!


When using an MX32 on the MX1 command station (2000 or HS) with MX1-SW version 3.06, the MX32-SW version 01.18.0067 is required.

Expand all  Expand Close all  Collapse Expand the raws to see the infos on the update (mostly german).

Date more ...     Description Download
2024 07 08 Expand

MX10MX32MX33   SW versions  01.30.0590 / 01.30.0556 / 01.01.0111

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If you use ZIMO MX821 accessory decoders or MX820 turnout decoders with a software version 3.0 (MX821 series) or older, or 5.0 (MX820 series) or older in your system, you should UPDATE them BEFORE you load this system software version! Otherwise, these decoders may be inadvertently reprogrammed.

NOTE: Current MX10EC SW not yet included! Available on request at service@zimo.at erhältlich.

News MX33

  • Call ACC LIST via E+3 in full-page display (but softkey II = LiR: ACC LIST only lower half of screen)
  • ACC LIST: X key -> scroll wheel to modify the fields 
  • Addressing of ZIMO decoders in OP PROG (E - F - A) now for 128 ... 255 according to standard in CV #17+18 and CV #29 bit 5 = 1
  • Operating state SWI: MX8 points can now also be defined in panel fields (SWI DEF, "Format" line)
  • Load GUI from the decoder, preparation for progress bar (currently experimental application, only with special sound projects)
  • Delete image database E0 -> Clear Data -> vehicle images

News MX10

  • LAN protocol adjustments ZIMO App
  • LAN protocol adjustments Roco App
  • Decoder GUI transmission

Bugfixes MX33

  • Loco DB GUI loading from MX10 works again
  • Bug: Name was deleted by MX32 if not local loco (grey) is activated
  • Entering an accessory address via LOCO (IN) ... W button: Display in ACC LIST only after scrolling back and forth
  • Bug when radio activated during ACC LIST: Dialogue was not completely deleted and list was not updated
  • Changes to StEin HLU dialogue 17.06 V1.1.107 
  • Bug: in the dialogue for readdressing MX8 modules
  • Bug: Momentary functions sometimes got stuck (activated after releasing)

Bugfixes MX10

  • Miscellaneous bugfixes

Bugfixes MX32

  • Miscellaneous bugfixes


Container file with full versions for MX10, MX10EC, MX32, MX32FU, MX33, MX33FU

The .zip folder contains the update file, not the fonts; these have not changed since 01.20.0001, therefore NO reloading of fonts is actually necessary.
If the fonts are missing, download the file Fonts120.zip and unzip it (along with the other update files) onto the USB stick. Then follow the instructions on the device.
Further information below in the archive at software version 01.20.0001.


Previous, outdated software versions.
The use of software versions from the archive is at your own risk!


Date more ...     Description Download
2024 03 14 Expand

Software version 01.01.0080

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2024 02 29 Expand

Software version 01.01.0070

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2024 02 22 Expand

Software version 01.01.0063

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2024 02 16 Expand

Software version 01.01.0058

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2023 10 24 Expand

Software version 01.01.0017 (first update for MX33)

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2023 09 20 Expand

Software version 01.01.0001

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MX10 & MX32 in container file

Date more ...     Description (mostly german for older files) Download
2024 04 12 Expand

Software version 01.30.0552 / 01.30.0540  (1 container file for MX10/MX32)

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2024 03 14 Expand

Software version 01.30.0519 / 01.30.0524  (1 container file for MX10/MX32)

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2024 02 22 Expand

Software version 01.30.0510 (1 container file for MX10/MX32)

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2024 02 16 Expand

Software version 01.30.0501 (1 container file for MX10/MX32)

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2023 12 22 Expand

Software versions 01.30.0405 / 01.30.0460  (1 container file for MX10/MX32)  Please note the WARNING!

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2023 06 09 Expand

Software version 01.30.0300

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2023 05 19 Expand

Software version 01.30.0200

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2022 12 23 Expand

Software version 01.30.0100 (3. version of the „ZIMO GUI transmission“)

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2022 08 31 Expand

Software version 01.30.0002 (2. version of the „ZIMO GUI transmission“)

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2022 06 08 Expand

Correction version 01.29.1000 to SW version 01.29.0106, ...0200, ...0400, ...0415, ...0422 and 01.29.0600

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2022 01 28 Expand

Correction version 01.29.0600 to SW version 01.29.0106, ...0200, ...0400, ...0415 and 01.29.0422

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2021 11 02 Expand

Correction version 01.29.0422 to SW version 01.29.0415, 01.29.0106, 01.29.0200 and 01.29.0400

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2021 10 21 Expand

Correction version 01.29.0415 to SW version 01.29.0106, 01.29.0200 and 01.29.0400

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2021 09 27 Expand

Correction version 01.29.0400 to SW version 01.29.0106 and 01.29.0200

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2021 05 07 Expand

Correction version 01.29.0200 to SW version 01.29.0106

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2021 03 17 Expand

Correction version 01.29.0106 to SW version 01.29.0001

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2020 12 23 Expand

Software version 01.29.0001

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2020 10 23 Expand

Correction version 01.28.0400 to SW version 01.28.0200

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2020 09 11 Expand

Software version 01.28.0200

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2020 06 10 Expand

Correction version 01.28.0030 to SW version 01.28.0005 and 01.28.0002

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2020 05 22 Expand

Correction version 01.28.0005 to SW version 01.28.0002

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2020 05 18 Expand

Software version 01.28.0002

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2019 12 23 Expand

Correction version 01.27.0360 to SW version 01.27.0200

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2019 12 18 Expand

Correction version 01.27.0351 to SW version 01.27.0001, 01.27.0110 and 01.27.0200

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2019 09 20 Expand

Correction version 01.27.0200 to SW version 01.27.0001, 01.27.0110

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2019 09 11 Expand

Correction version 01.27.0110 to SW version 01.27.0001

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2019 08 02 Expand

Software-Version 01.27.0001

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2019 04 19 Expand

Software-Version 01.26.0001/01.26.0002

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2019 01 25 Expand

Korrekturversion 01.25.0101 zur SW-Version 01.25.0100

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2018 12 21 Expand

Software-Version 01.25.0001

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2018 08 09 Expand

Software-Version 01.24.0001

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2018 05 14 Expand

Software-Version 01.23.0050/51 (Korrekturversion zu 01.23.0001)

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2018 04 27 Expand

Software-Version 01.23.0001

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2018 03 09 Expand

Software-Version 01.22.0150/01.22.0151

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2017 12 23 Expand

Software-Version 01.22.0001

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2017 10 11 Expand

Software-Version 01.21.0500

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2017 07 26 Expand

Software-Version 01.21.0001, ersetzt durch Korrekturversion 01.21.0015

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2017 02 24 Expand

Software-Version 01.20.0150 - KORREKTURVERSION zu 01.20.0001 und 01.20.0100

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2016 12 23 Expand

Software-Version 01.20.0100 - KORREKTURVERSION zu 01.20.0001 - Fonts unter 01.20.0001

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2016 10 28 Expand

Software-Version 01.20.0001 - Neue Fonts für 01.20.xxxx bitte manuell nachladen

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Newer versions (above) no longer suitable for MX32 Rev.5!
2016 05 20 Expand

Software-Version 01.19.0200 - Neue Fonts siehe Eintrag 01.19.0001

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2016 04 20 Expand

Software-Version 01.19.0001 - Neue Fonts für 01.19.xxxx bitte manuell nachladen

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2015 12 07 Expand

Software-Version 01.18.0052 für MX10 Anwendung (und 01.18.0067 mit dem "alten" ZIMO MX1)

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2015 08 14 Expand

Software-Version 01.17

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2014 11 20 Expand

Software-Version 01.15.1120 

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2014 09 01 Expand

Software-Version 01.14.901   

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2014 08 29 Expand

Software-Version 01.14.829   

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2014 08 21  Expand

Software-Version 01.13   

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2012 07 27  Expand

Software-Version 01.12

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2012 01 31  Expand

Software-Version 01.10    

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2012 01 23  Expand

Software-Version 01.09    

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2011 12 23  Expand

Software-Version 01.08    

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2011 08 02  Expand

Software-Version 01.07    

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2011 06 15  Expand

Das fünfte Update nach der Erstauslieferung  . . .   

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2011 03 17 Expand Das vierte Update nach der Erstauslieferung  . . . expand  Expand
2011 01 19 Expand Das dritte Update nach der Erstauslieferung  . . . expand  Expand
2010 12 23 Expand Das zweite Update nach der Erstauslieferung  -  diverse Korrekturen und Ergänzungen expand  Expand
2010 12 01 Expand Das erste Update nach der Erstauslieferung  -  diverse Verbesserungen expandieren  Expand